Sometimes it becomes hard to see the beautiful existence of life…

50 people who were unwinding, having a good evening after a long week, sharing drinks with friends or partners, are now never going to get to see their family members or loved ones because a man walked in believing he had the right to hurt them.

Here is what’s going to happen now:

1 – Some are going to blame it as ‘hate against lgbt’

2 – Some are going to blame it on the religion of the shooter

3 – Some are going to blame it on existence of guns

But in the end, we lost people and little more of, already in shortage, humanity. I saw a woman cry (on the news) because she couldn’t find her son, who was there with his friends and his boyfriend. She cried for the boyfriend who was taken to hospital with multiple gun shot wounds, she cried for the son who cant be found or reached and she cried for the horror of what it could mean. Gay or not, don’t matter, a mother lost her son.

While, my heart hurts for those who lost their loved ones I also feel so so sad for those who will now bear the brunt of one  man’s action. His family, his son, his parents and those who are good honest and hardworking American Muslims with nothing to do with his hate.

There is no punchline or quote to give because there is just too much pain.