The broken toy of revolution…

A revolutionary is someone who religiously believes in non-existence of barriers. And I’m all but someone who is blind to the walls for all I do is paints dreams over the them, turning them into my canvas for imagination. 

Maybe I’m broken part of the revolution generation, maybe I’m the idea of what a flightless bird looks like for I sure would not fly even with the cage down. A revolutionary I shall never be, but I do know how to feel like one with my eyes closed. I can  paint myself into anything I want, a flygirl, a pirate, a war hero and even a renegade, an insurgent. 
So let the mind weep for the deadness of the brave rebellious soul; the heart shall live in stories, the fabrication of beautiful lies, that brings  a whole new world alive creating a sky and land that needs no more anarchy. 

Little loves Jodie Foster…!!!!

Last night I saw Jodie Foster’s Little Man Tate. Its a beautiful movie. Just what I expected from Jodie Foster for she is a brilliant brilliant brilliant, actor and a director.

Its a touching movie that makes you smile and cry and feel the characters, while being happy to have stumbled upon it. The complexity of a gifted six year old kid’s mind who feels different because he is too smart for his age, the love of a single young mother who may not be the smartest thing in the world but who knows that she loves her son and the way they are connected despite being so opposite.

Such a beautiful work by her and the kid who plays Fred Tate. You rarely get to see such good movies now. Last weekend I saw Winona Ryder’s “When love is not enough-the Lois Wilson story” and she was brilliant too.

Is always refreshing to see a well made movie with a concept so touching. But sometimes even some of the best actors tend to give you a movie not so nice. Today I went to theatre to watch Prisoners and it was a sad scene. Mark wahlberg directed movie with Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal as the big names in the cast, yet I didnt get that feeling that I want to watch it one more time. Here is the thing if a movie makes you want to watch it one more time, its a movie well made. Like Little Man Tate.

Prisoner is made on a simple concept of a young girl getting kidnapped, worried father doing everything to find her and cops looking for who did it. I once saw a movie (coincidently Mark Wahlberg was the actor) based on same theme and it was titled Lovely Bones, but this one was handled so beautifully that it made me feel the pain of a parent and anger for the actor who played the bad guy. Prisoner was more confusing that emotional.

So its monday now and I wish I could get one more day off but thats not going to happen.

I have decided to cut down on my tv shows now, its difficult but am going to try. I have been ignoring reading and it makes me guilty.

Goodnight World!
Happy and safe Monday to you and me…

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