Desperate much or bored much?

So, its been long since I actually wrote something here. Just busy in my world of nothingness. But today I ended up re-writing my ABOUT  page.

I hope it doesn’t says…

I’m cool follow me, maybe?

Here incase you have not much to do today: 

But I’m the story and the protagonist…!!!!

I wish I was the friend or the cousin or the neighbor of the protagonist and not her. I wish I was, just one of those who in the end get to give few insights into her story and, not the story in itself.

I don’t speak or understand French but I can’t stop listening to this Edith Piaf song. It sounds so beautiful and lovely. It feels like one of those many background scores of my own story.

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Maybe, I’m a not-so-talented & less-creative version of Cath from Fangirl!!


Crazy how a random line from a book can make you look over your shoulder, wondering if the author was stalking you. Because it wasn’t just a line, it was you sprayed right across the page…

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