Thankyou PLL, your timing couldn’t be better…needed you!!!!

Me-Time that’s what I have been craving for, I have been dying for but haven’t been able to get it, work home, everywhere it’s all busy busy. Yes, I know I call myself a Super Hero but hey you can’t just hit Super Man with Kryptonite and expect the world to be saved.

Not being me is my Kryptonite and that was killing me, a smile here, a wink there but I can’t be awesome all the time without getting time to be me.

Today I bought a book because I needed to, I had to, I wanted to. Like I said before, I buy books when I’m low. And then I downloaded the S4 E01 from PLL and now I feel better, like lot better. Here I am sitting alone with my headphones and this soundtrack from the episode and I can’t help but feel better.

I have a plan and I need time but I’m not getting it. I am trying to edit Jane Doe so I can just send it to different publication houses. I want to jump in, I don’t care if I get rejections and my ship sinks.

It’s late and I think I should go, though I planned to read few pages of this book I bought but, maybe, tomorrow.

Goodnight World!



I remember my first day at Kindergarten vividly, our Class Teacher Mrs. Garbriel giving us instructions on how to behave in the class, before we started with our first ever activity at school. These instructions were, “ask for permission before leaving the class”, “be in a queue”, “talk softly”, “share your toys and crayons”, “follow rules” etc.  Though at the age of 4 this word was not a part of my repertoire but now I know she was teaching us basic Mannerism. Even before joining the school, our parents had taught us the usage of words like ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Excuse Me’, ‘Sorry’ to exhibit good Mannerism.  Further, I remember there were special instructions for boys – Ladies First, Open Doors for Ladies, Pull Chairs, to respect them is every man’s duty and being physically stronger – he should always help them and protect them. Most of…

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