Sometimes when you are not right, you are not wrong either…you are just different…!!!!

There is a reason why I love going to movies in cinema halls, its one place where I can actually be among people and yet go unnoticed. Sometimes when I’m sitting in the dark with everyone focused on the big screen even my friend sitting next to me, I relax take a deep breath and take my eyes off the big screen and go into a thinking mode. I like to do that when the movie is kind of boring. The whole movie background noise helps my thinking, while I’m busy doing talk-to-self thing.

Anyhow, there is a problem. My mind.

I know I know, you will say Little isn’t that an old problem? But I’m not saying ‘My Mind’ as in all sad and blue mind, I’m saying ‘My Mind’ as in terms of a confused mind. Here I am sitting alone at my room and I’m like what to do?

Mind – Oooh! Watch a movie. You have so many

Mind– No no wait. Finish Arrow. Just few episodes left

Mind– you know what? Fck the movie and shows. Write. Work on your story.

Mind– Edit Jane Doe. Dude! So much work left.

Mind– wait you can write down the scene you worked on mentally while working at Gotham, when everyone was thinking you were busy working. Man! You are multi talented.

Mind– But if you will work a new story, who will work on Jane Doe?

Mind– Hmm, if you do not want to work on Jane Doe. Guess you should go to Dominique. Don’t start new story now. It’s too confusing.

Mind– What’s the time? Oh! You should just leave everything and read the novel maybe.

Mind– But you know if you play a movie now, you can finish it in decent time.

Mind– what decent time? It’s so late. Just watch TV. See if there is something on. Watch something and then sleep. Maybe Modern Family is on or Big Bang.

Mind– you know just let it all go and write. Work on the new story I know you want to do that. One page won’t kill you or anything else. Plus it’s too late for movie and you are too sleepy to read the novel. Do you even remember the name of the characters? Guess not.

So finally after debating and discussing and wasting all my night just thinking about what to do and not to do, I finally ended up writing 600 words of a chapter of a new story. Don’t have a name for it right now so we shall call it ‘The Story’. Its 3:30 now and I think I don’t know what was I doing till now. I guess I will now sleep. I don’t know maybe I should just watch one episode and sleep or I cant simply read a chapter and sleep. For sure I can’t edit Jane Doe at this time of the day with my eyes flickering like a bad bulb from a scary movie scene.

Got to go. Goodnight World!

5 thoughts on “Sometimes when you are not right, you are not wrong either…you are just different…!!!!

  1. I’m glad you chose to write the story. Even if you leave it for a while at least you will have gotten the ideas down before they completely disappear. Plus I know I can’t sleep when I’ve got something hanging over my head. Night night. 🙂

      • I jotted down a story idea years ago. And then forgot about it. Finally wrote it up as a short story about 6 months ago. Good ideas never go to waste!

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