Little had a beautiful birthday weekend…!!!!

A long weekend is over now and I have a Monday waiting for me, but its okay.

On Friday I celebrated my 28th birthday and even though alli did was have fun, something was missing. Maybe its me. You know why I love birthdays, because the love and attention I get helps me remind myself why I need to keep moving on. Friday was no different. My family and my friends made it all so special and it was overwhelming, at one point I felt guilty. So much love makes me guilty for I never give even half of it in return. Its true. I am not a good daughter, sister or friend yet my parents, my brother and my friends love me so much. They pamper me irrespective of my inability to be anything but difficult.

My friend who went to South Korea, even she made sure I got my gift.

I missed few friends alot on my birthday and Snowy, this is the first time in 13 years that I did not get my birthday hug from him. I didnt even miss him this much on his own birthday.

I hate getting old or growing up or the fact that now everyone expects me to think about getting married because that’s how it should be…but I love birthdays. Love them. Even though I felt little lost and thoughtful about nothing, I had a good day. Despite the guilt of being loved so much when I am all me, I was happy to be the queen.

Im blessed, but I wonder why cant I stop being blue.

Anyhow, it was a beautiful weekend spent well with loved ones. I dont trust my sanity but I do know I would never change anything about my life so far.

Got to go now.
Hope Monday would be kind to me. Am little concerned about my inability to work on Jane Doe, Dominique, New York, Cross roads. All my stories are waiting for me, asking for my attention, but I dont know why I cant make myself write even when I know the plots and the scenes and the characters. It is troubling me that im not writing. Im not.

Thanking God for the most amazing loved ones, I would like to get ready for a nap before Monday strikes with its “HuHuHaHa…im Monday and im ages away from weekend”.

Goodnight world!!

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

8 thoughts on “Little had a beautiful birthday weekend…!!!!

  1. Dear Little,
    Happy 28th and may there be hundreds more. 🙂 Please don’t be guilty about the love you are given. Love is a gift without a price tag. You don’t have to deserve love, even though I bet you do. The only thing love asks is to be loved in return, and every word in your posts shows the love you feel for your family and friends.

    I hope the coming week flies by on the wings of your birthday love.


    • Thankyou so much Meeka… 🙂
      It was a wonderful day and im so happy to have people who love me so much,..
      I love them too but i wish i would be more expressive…
      28th makes me wonder where did time go… 😛
      It was a fantastic weekend …

      • lmao – wait until you hit 60! The thing about years is that they only really mean something when you do something with them. This last year is special because you took some huge strides towards becoming the writer you want to be. So remember your 27th as a ‘good year’. 🙂

      • you know you are right..27th was creative and year i did more than writing, i mailed my story to publication house…something i never thought i would do…27th helped me push the writer in me…i wrote my first big story, first novel piece… 😀

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