America you nailed it cause equality is dope!!!!

Before I start, I am going say it out loud I saw Pitch Perfect today and I have no idea why it took me so long. It’s awesome. Being a Glee fan it’s no news that I love modern musicals.

So, America big day? Love is love and Ireland and USA are just where the world is looking at right now. Some with hope and others…well haters gonna hate. But it’s just amazing how we as humans are evolving and accepting that EQUALITY is not just a word. It’s a real thing.

And for those who wonder if they ever would see that word, its okay to be not okay. Sun takes time to shine, its dawn for people in America for now. World is taking baby steps and one day it would become what it was intend to be, at first place. One day world would be a free place with equality for everyone.

Right now, its 3 am the ghostly hour and I have so many things inside my head. I want to sit and talk to someone for hours, not listen but talk. Sometimes I really wish that the whole 3 am ghost thing would come true and some ghostly thing would come to scare me, I would make him or her sit and talk. I mean that’s the least he or she can do before scaring the crap out of me. Plus, ghosts won’t share your dirty twisty life stories with other people.

I’m just glad its weekend. What did I learned from past 3 days?

Gotham is turning more and more into Hunger Games and I feel less of Batman and more of Katniss Everdeen. I can literally picture myself with a bow and arrow while fighting for survival.

But then I can’t be Katniss Everdeen she is way too cool and I am one of those girls in the chick flicks who want to be friend with the cool girls. I’m not cool, I’m the girl who wants to be noticed by and be friends with cool ones. I’m not nerdy I’m just boring cause I don’t do the socially accepted definition of fun things.

BTW Anna Kendrick is so cool. Now I need to watch the part two.

I should go now cause I’m afraid one day God would fire a miracle gun towards me turn my life into everything I want, make me peachy and sunshine and rainbow, but I would not be able to cherish the Hey-I’m-Happy thing cause I would be dead courtesy lack of sleep. I read somewhere the amount of sleep deprivation that you give your body can never be recovered. Damn! Well I’m not here to sleep. I’m here to make faces at empty walls and wonder if only I was an artist. I’m here to wonder, sleep can wait.

Good night world and congratulations to America.



Some of us grew to become Pied Piper…

Sometimes things don’t make any sense to me. Why should everyone agree with each other? Why should i call something red or black or blue if that’s how everyone else calls it? Why can’t i call it purple or pink? Right and wrong are words that can be different for everyone.

World is full of definitions that are carved on stone, you try to amend you are the black sheep. Whoever said being yourself and being proud of yourself matters was only trying to give you an aspirin for the headache; no one tells you how to fix it for the long term.

We live in a world of prejudice and sometimes it bothers me for my sake for those who can’t stand up. It bothers me how some people use religion and the so called Rights and Wrongs of stone age era to craft a world of injustice and unfairness.

I am no fighter but it doesn’t mean i can’t express my opinion about how pride and prejudice is not mere a title for a book. How some people are still not good enough for those who are incapable of seeing the world through others eyes.

I might call it a pen because you said so, but i wouldn’t believe i can’t it anything else when you aren’t around. For there is a world of my own with its own rights and wrongs.

Truth is, some people can’t see a rainbow as a rainbow they see it as part red, part blue, part green and so on. A rainbow is where all colors come together to become something extraordinary, its not part this part that its one beautiful and magical thing.

Don’t ask me why I’m writing all this. I just needed to vent out.

Goodnight world!

Drumroll…..500th Post…!!!!!



Little Miss Obsessive’s Anatomy is special for, its my diary, my mind, my place and i look forward to writing something, anything every day.

Today is the 500th post day which is crazy, unbelievable and awesome. Wow. So Wow.

Little is so thankful to each and everyone who follows, who likes, who reads and who passes by the blog. This is a virtual land painted by various colours of my mood, blue, sunshine, rainbow, dark, crazy, twisty and awesome.

As you can see i have changed the theme and here is the new addition to my blog – a new page – Random People in Little’s Phone


Sometimes, its okay to bleed hope…!!!!

Sometimes i wish i was like people who are always shiny, bubbly, hopeful and all rainbow, i wish i was. But im not, truth is im anything but happy and right now im just at a point where im trying to keep me together because i worry about myself.

I want to talk but i cant.

Tuesday night something snapped inside me, i slept blue woke up blue. Then i fell ill on Wednesday while working, nothing major just stomach issues and something inside me was jumping and dancing, happy to find an excuse to leave work. I told my boss that im not well, went home early and decided to stay home next day too. So i didn’t go to Gotham today, just stayed in my room. The whole stomach cramps were like blessing in disguise for me, because i was more of emotionally sick than physical.

How am i now? My stomach is good but im not okay. But i cant stay home tomorrow, so i will put up a smile and go live the Friday to come back and fall apart again. Some-days every cell inside my body refuses to feel hopeful, today is that day or this is that week.
Worst is i cant let people know because i dont want to be that person who likes to be sad for no reason. Yes, sure i have no sad relationship, my parents love me, i have a pretty good job finances wise, im all healthy and i have friends. But, it doesn’t mean my reason to be sad is invalid, its just invisible.

Anyhow, its just okay. Days like these happen.

I may not even be the S of sunshine but im pretty okay when it comes to pretending to be all sparkly, only right now my awesomeness has bled out leaving me all dark and blue. Its not my fault, its the whole life thing gets to you ripping apart every layer of hope and false beliefs you hide under.

I find myself going to the place i don’t want to.

I know what i need, i need a haircut, book shopping, i need to go back to badminton and few days alone in my room. The kind of mood im in right now, there is no guarantee that these things will work, but a girl can only try. Plus, i love myself too much to see myself like this.

Better go now, i have Friday to take care of before i can fall into the arms of weekend for the much needed hug.
Goodnight World!

P.S i know i might have mentioned this before but still…Brandi Carlile is awesome