Perhaps, some people only survive because they believe in Santa Claus and another world!!!!


Some other time

In another world

You’ll be mine

I’ll be yours



Lets be

Pieces of memories

Pages of stories

We created together

Believing in love & forever…


What would i do? What would you do?

World is full of people who can surprise us and of morons who can make us wonder if its time to buy property on Moon, to shift.

Today my brother, i call him Dexter like the one in cartoon, had an accident and fortunately and by God’s grace he is safe and unhurt. But my old scooter that he was driving is in pieces and totally smashed up. How many good & crazy memories i have with that scooter, from good’ol college days? Anyhow, the guy who hit him ran away leaving my brother on the road. Kind of makes me angry, what if my brother had gotten seriously injured, what if he needed medical attention? Wasn’t the guy supposed to get out of his car and see if the guy he hit is okay?

Then i thought what would i do if i accidentally hit someone? Would i get panicky and run away? Would i help the other person? What would i do? Would i act sensibly or take the escape route? Well i thought all this way after i was done getting all Hulk angry about the guy who hit my brother with his car, cause i was worried thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong. Sure, my brother is a moron and super irritating at times but whether he likes it or not i love him and i think he knows that.

Good thing about the situation was the people who came out as heroes. The lady driving behind my brother, the guy standing nearby and another guy in his car somewhere there. They all came to my brother, talked to him if he is okay and gave him the number of the car that got away after hitting him. The guy who was driving by actually followed that car for long time before he lost the chase. He then came back and gave my brother car number in case there is a report to be filled and he was like “call me if you need a witness”. Now that’s kind if heroic to me. People don’t do that much.

Like i said, world is full of people of all kinds. A long time ago i once accidentally, driving same scooter which is kind of a junk now, hit a car from back. It was a traffic light zone everyone was waiting for the lights to get green, i was lost somewhere and took time to press on brake and next thing i know i hit the car and fell. My fault totally. I was 19 or 20 years, young, new driver and scared that the driver in the car would be super mean to me now. It was a man, he walks out of his car picks me up and asks me if I’m okay and if i need help. I was like super touched. I damaged his car but he didn’t for once care about his car, because he was worried if the girl who just cost him a junk of repair money, for no fault of his own, was okay and unhurt. That’s heroic.

Then there are people like that rich guy in his sedan. Again the same scooter. It wasn’t his fault or mine, it was a blind zone, yes he should have honked because he was coming on main road. But it wasn’t anybody’s fault. Yet the guy to me is a loser. Why? Because he hit me and i fell? No. because his driver hit me, i fell and instead of helping me get up or even asking me if I’m okay, he said something to his driver, who put the car in reverse gear, changed the lane and drove away like nothing happened. And I’m like “hmm, hey mister a little hand here would be good”.

Weird how so many accidental memories are refreshing up. I wasn’t planning on writing tonight, but after today’s incident i couldn’t help wonder about how different people react differently to a situation.

Little is having fun…!!!!

An indian wedding is nothing but crazy. Tonight we laughed so much that i don’t know when was the last time i had a moment like this.

Wedding and the whole relative gathering still scares me, i miss my Friday nights, lonely karaoke and endless cups of coffee but i wont deny im enjoying this tiny break from everyday ‘s monotonous work routine.

Everyone is like you are next Little but my defense mechanism is totally immune to it. Its amazing how im filtering all scary stuff and having a good time.

Im not like any person here but its okay. I needed a break.

This house is where i have spent a huge time of my baby childhood days, when i was a sweet little girl who knew nothing about life. I love this house because of my childhood memories. I wasn’t really close to my grandmother but everytime i visit this house a part of me wants to see her once. Dont know why but i kind of miss her, like this house feels incomplete without her. I don’t even think i ever spent more than five minutes with her after growing up but im used to visiting this place with her being there.

I must go now. My throat is itchy and there are two more days of crazy indian wedding with so much fun.

Best part kids love me. Don’t know why and how. But im popular among my nieces and nephews.

Goodnight world!

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

50 shades of darkness…!!!!

Found one of my old diaries while packing my bag for tomorrow. It made me smile, laugh out loud and cry.

Wonder why i stopped writing?

There in those pages are days of my life. Captured with honesty because i knew it was one place i could talk. But truth is even in my diaries i have never spoken or written about the truth. It has always been inside me.

Life isn’t always black and white, sometimes its light dark and dark dark.

My bags are packed. Am ready.
Goodnight world!

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Little wants to go back to being little…!!!!

Today I started with a new book and I have decided to read a little, everyday. Too much of TV shows are keeping me away from reading and writing. Fact is I indulge in marathon fictional shows to stay busy and away from my inner turbulence. But now its time for me to give time to other things too.

Thankyou Internet God for my internet service are down just when I needed a push towards reading.

I also need to, now, get back to my daily workout. Cause I cant let myself be like this. Unfortunately for people like me who cant cry out loud, both the patient and shrink live in same body. Self destruction and self help go hand in hand in my case.

I have few pictures on my wardrobe. Pictures of family, friends, snowy and few from my childhood. In one picture I see a small very small girl wearing her father’s army cap and smiling while giving a salute to whoever was taking the picture. Everytime I look at that picture of mine, I wonder if I was happy back then. Truly happy. If I ever knew how life was going to turn out. I look happy and safe from future.

I want to go back to being her, the little girl in that photograph. But fact is I cant go back being a little girl anymore, the girl who knew nothing about world and its strange ways.

So I just try to be a self proclaimed super hero who has secrets, who has a battle and who is loved by everyone because noone knows that the face behind the mask is another average person made of flesh and hone.

Weird I wasnt suppose to write an emotional blog just an update on my plans about focusing on reading.

Goodnight world!

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone





It was a good day today i had fun, but something wasn’t right. Don’t know why but i was not inside my head, i was somewhere else. I m having the right kind of day, friends, coffee, scrabble but I was busy someplace else. Thoughts. I was thoughtful.

I don’t know why i was absent.

I think its just sometimes truth keeps nagging you even when you are having a good day. I think i was just wondering how much life has changed in past few years, specially in last two years. Do you ever think about reliving a day? I do.