I love characters who make me want to be their friends…!!!

For long I had this wish to put a tick mark against one of my bucket list wish – to watch a movie alone. At first it  started as a thought of doing something fun and crazy cause who really goes for movies alone? But I never had the courage because I thought watching a movie alone is the saddest thing in the world and no matter how sad my life goes I will never do this.

Life heard me, laughed and said CHALLENGE ACCEPTED…

So, when life hits you that Ace you just have to stand there and wonder what happened to your backhand. Anyhow, I did reached that point where one fine day I just booked a ticket and went alone. I was nervous, little excited and kind of scared because I had no idea how to just go there, sit and watch a movie with no one to look at, when there is something funny or sad or scary on the big screen. But, it wasn’t bad in fact it was liberating. I know a tiny part of  me from the old-me is kind of dying right now in some corner of my head reading these words, but honestly it was the best thing that I ever did for me.

This Saturday when I sat there in an almost empty theater watching Age of Adaline on the big screen, I realized what a magical world we have in the movies. They make you forget everything that pushes you to that dark corner of the road and make you want to live forever singing it’s-a-beautiful-world. The stories and characters and emotions on that big screen in a dark hall are so majestic and beautiful that for those 2 some hours world feels good, nice, kind and even a gift.

There is something about watching a movie on a big screen and for a long time I felt sad for missing on movies because I had no social life, the people I was dependent on had other people, my issues were often making friends unfriend me leaving me all by myself.

I don’t know how sad it sounds but doings things for yourself isn’t sad its fun and liberating. You don’t have too lie to yourself or ignore yourself and give reasons for not being in mood for an outing, because you know you wont leave you for crazy mood swings, socializing issues and crazy self created walls/rules around your life. People would do that to you, you wouldn’t do that to you.

Voices: Adaline?

Me: Fish! sorry…All I wanted to say was watch Age of Adaline. Great movie.

Voices: Was that so hard?

Me: I thought a little history would be good.

Voices: A little? You would have written a book on your sorry life.

Me: I couldn’t have, for a book I would have needed a fictional name, few character introductions and.. Oh! was that sarcasm?

Voices (Rolling eyes)

So, in short I started today’s post with an aim of giving a review of Age of Adaline and how magical I felt while I sat there watching this movie, wondering what a beautiful world a movie creates for us. But, I ended up blabbering. So here I go – I watched Age of Adaline and Blake Lively was flawless, I never much liked her as Serena in Gossip Girl because her character was not the kind I would want to be friends with but I would definitely want to be friends with Adaline.


Little is allergic to weddings…!!!!

So, if you know me then you also know how hard it is for me to be in a wedding. I don’t like going to weddings not just cause they are too loud and crowded (BTW- Indian weddings are fun if you are not me), but also cause you (me) have to talk to relatives you (me) avoid all the time.

I’m so allergic to weddings that I often end up with symptoms like panic attacks or anxiety or simple Hulk syndrome, where all I want to do is turn green and make that legendary hole-in-wall punch.

Relatives- How are you? How’s it going? What are you doing lately? You never visit or call? When are you getting married? You have to get married now and give us chance to come to your wedding.

Me- Im fine. How are you? Working same place ( where I’ve been working for past 8 years). Just busy. (All the while smiling, looking around for an excuse to escape and working hard to not explode with the invisible panic attacks.)

In short, I’m not a fan of weddings. Nope, don’t like dressing up, have no answers to any questions from uncles and aunts who are probably busy wondering how awesome their daughter or son is compared to me, do not like the loud Punjabi music that I need a dictionary for and, yep, I definitely do not enjoy being the prey for those gazing around, like a hawk to tear me up, with those you-are-next eyes.

Voices – Ahem!
Me- What?
Voices- Dude point
Me- Oh! Yeah. Point is I went for a wedding today, got bored as usual but I clicked a nice picture. Cool right?
Voices (rolling eyes)- images-rolling eyes


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Alfred, tell them Batman is busy being Master Wayne…!!!!

Last few days have been so good to me, specially the weekends. While last weekend i was visiting my person and her family, this weekend was all about eating, writing, episodes, coffee and writing…yes i know i said writing twice cause i frkn wrote a lot. God! i love long weekends.

Funny thing is the story i started as an exercise to get out of my writer’s block has turned out to be a project in itself. Let’s see.

So, two amazing weekends are over and from tomorrow i’m back to Gotham. Guess, its time to get out of fun zone.

Leaving you with pictures from past few days.













Raincheck to Gotham blues…!!!!

I had a good day today, because i went shopping on a work day. I went shopping with friends in the middle of my Gotham day and it felt good. I’m going to miss this fun now, cause i very rarely get to have a outing with these two friends as we all stay in different corners of the world. almost different.

My head hurts but its okay cause i feel kind of nice, despite the fact that i don’t know when i will have another such outing.

Hey do you know that lately all i think about is that plane…the missing airline. In a world of modern gadgets, technology and all those spying satellites and radars, we have lost a plane with over 200 people on board. Its a mystery that i cant stop thinking about. I cant imagine what the relatives of the passengers must be going through. Its sad enough to lose someone but to not know what happened to them is super crazy sad.

Goodnight world!

P.S leaving you guys with really cute video thing. Checkout its kind of nice, cute nice.

Batman loves Christmas…!!!!

I hate winters but im loving December. Today I decorated one of my mum’s plant like a Christmas tree. I need more stuff to make it better and by tomorrow it will all ready.

I woke up super late to a very cold, cloudy and wintery day with no sign of sun. So I stayed home, made me coffee, played music, decorated my tiny tree, did nothing all day, stayed dirty and lazy, danced a little and danced some more…!!!

Music On, Coffee In…Ready to #RockNRoll !!!!

Some days while staring at my PC sipping that office machine coffee and listening to a “Yes you can do it” kind of song on loop, I get all “Yes, I can do it and yes i won’t give up”. Truth be told, it’s all music and coffee induced enthusiasm that usually makes you want to do all you want but cant and it makes you plan things, which after few hours end up in a trash pile inside your head.


TrueStory you know. Happens to me almost every second third day at work because I’m so bored and because coffee and good music make all motivated and eager and ready for something else in life, for following my dream of working on my stories, for accepting who I’m and letting the world know, for not going with the world and live like i want etc etc etc. Then after few hours, the coffee goes out of my system, the happy songs get tired of rolling again and again in the loop and blurred words on my screen start to make sense…leading me to realise i was day dreaming and this is reality…I ain’t going anywhere and there is no freedom fighting for me.

Sometimes day dreaming of being the stubborn one who wouldn’t give up and be proud of self is fun. It’s fun because at the end it is funny how a good song and a cup of coffee can make you see life in a better way and make you a rockstar, even if it’s for a while.

What can i say,

Some days it’s all about wanting what you can’t get #StubbornMuch

why should you vote for me?

So before i say anything, everybody raise your hands because i just read somewhere that Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart are back. Maybe its a gossip, and not true, but i would like to believe its true and i would like to say Oh Snap and dance inside my head…

I am a dark person, totally twisted and most of the time my mind is a crazy place but i like to see world as a happy place. I have been in love with these two people since i first read and watched Twilight.

You see I’m like the worst kind of person you can have around but i do have some nice things about me.

Why should i be nominated as Super Hero of the year?

I believe in equality, if not me then who? Come on. If i could i would have voted for Obama but sorry dude Sir im kind of not eligible but yeah go Obama.

I love love love Dogs and if i could i would buy a huge mansion and own lots and lots of dogs because i cant stop loving them. Even though losing one has broken my heart into tiny little pieces that can never be fixed. No animal cruelty and violence in my secret world, where im the queen. Of course only few people live in that land, me and voices in my head.

I love everyone, im big on giving love. Don’t believe me? Ask all the fictional characters i spend days talking to and falling in love with. Yes, i do know i give less attention to real flesh and blood around me but hey giving love is giving love…right?

I believe in spreading music around. How? Take a drive with me and you will see how i put on loud music and sing along with my windows rolled up. Who does that? Offering free awesome music along with a karaoke session.  Man! I can make you cry with the pain in my voice when i sing along a sad song. For disclamer purposes the pain would be physical torture caused on your ear drums and not the emotional soothing heart wrenching melodious one, but hey Pain is Pain. No discrimination when it comes to music in my land.

I believe in diversity. Some days im Batman, some days Hulk and then i do like to play Spidey too. Don’t believe me? Come to my room. So much clothes and books and socks and shoes everywhere, you will be lost and stuck…where do you get lost and stuck? In a Spider’s web…see? did you get it? Im a Spidey too.

Am so awesome that even the word “Awesome” gets upset if not used for me. Im like Jack of all trades and Master of all Jacks.

I can be a Super Hero with talent to be all of them, sometimes at once. A night creature who stays up all night and sleeps at work while still managing to kill the deadline. I can write a story inside my head while staring at my work PC screen for 30 minutes. I can go in and out of a conversation around me without the others knowing it because i nod, unknowingly and amazingly i nod, even though I’m at some fun place inside my head. I can listen to one song all day and yet end up screaming singing its lyrics in car (while coming back) like i just heard it for the first time. I can buy books and not even read them and still buy more because i have no books to read. I can quote “You’ve Got Mail” in every situation because i think i have never been in love like im in love with Katheleen Kelly and because “I’m a Lone Reed”…see quoting. Did you get that, Lone Reed from the movie? No you didn’t? Go watch You’ve Got Mail. How can you  not watch that movie and not love it and not quote it?

I can waste time like no one else can by thinking of four random things that i need to do and crossing them one by one singing Eeny, meeny, miny, moe only to realize i just need to do one thing and i have no time now because its like 2 AM in morning. Lastly, I (and this is for real, like TRUE STORY real) can drink a cup of coffee and sleep right after that for hours without even feeling bad for wasting, the coffee and, time i spent making it with hope of waking up my dead brain.

Phew! Honestly i don’t have anything to say. I am a twisted soul with one good thing about me i don’t like to talk nice things about me. Kind of humble. So even if you do not want to vote for me, i would be so not okay okay I mean after all Im already So Awesome…


Guess which one is Little?

What do you think? Awesome? Or Awesome?

Not sure if im happy or sad about the vacation getting over..!!!

Would I be lying if I said that I wasnt missing Gotham and my room? I guess the answer is a simple word Yes.

Yesterday when I boarded that bus back to my city I was sad because I wanted to stay little more. I was having fun, I was away from my world of worries. But it would be wrong to say I was sunshine. I missed my world of aloofness but then I knew eventually I would be back to being a superhero soon. I wanted to stay, I wanted to come back.

Today was a weird day. Dont know why.
I guess from tomorrow I will feel at home and everything will feel normal.

Goodnight world!

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