Where did the good go?

I was tired &, as I came home, I fell on the bed and started playing with the TV remote. Browsing through movie channels, I found myself watching #girlinterrupted from somewhere in the middle and I thought (clearly I was hit by 90s nostalgia), how we don’t have such cult movies anymore. How every movie now is about a remake of a good book or a superhero series continuation or just something that we won’t remember after a few weeks or months.

I started missing 90s, my life back then, the feeling of discovering romcoms and flicks staring Winona Ryder or Meg Ryan or Jodie Foster, the adventure of watching The Mask over and over again, sniffing when Richard Gere scales the ladder with a bouquet of flowers in his mouth for Julia Roberts.

Maybe, just maybe, it’s not the movies of then and movies of now but the lingering memories of a life that was when I was busy falling for the cinematic classics.

Excuse the nostalgia of a girl who wishes she could go back and rediscover the joy of watching #youvegotmail for the very first time.

It’s 2:20 am Monday and I’m not sleepy, which is so not good…!!!!

I wanted to count stars but then I decided to go with few of my favorite things/people…

My person

My baby best friend (let’s call him Spiderman shall we)

The stories in my head

Characters I read about

My high school best friend

Agnes Obel

TV shows & fictional Characters

All the Meg Ryan and Winona Ryder movies

Jodie Foster

My Laptop and MS Word

My headphones and every song in my players

My All Stars

The world I zone out to

My new puppy who I hope would love me as much as Snowy did


My car

Grey’s Anatomy


Book shops


Virginia Woolf Quotes

Mississippi Mud Ice cream

Brandi Carlile

Ellen De Generes


Indian food

Eiffel Tower



Singing in my car

You’ve Got Mail

Bouquet of newly sharpened pencils

My Tattoo

My book collection


P.S Agnes Obel’s music is one of the many things keeping me afloat…

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Journey towards the bright light at the end of the tunnel continues…lets hope its not a train!!!!

My 31st and 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th all came and went with a swooshy sound, I didn’t get time to sit and ponder on how 2014 was and what my 2015 resolutions would be. Last year was relatively kind to me, but I did lose a friend in the crowd of expectations and lies. A friendship drowned somewhere causing an irreparable damage. Minus that I did fine with the standards tears, pain and heartache. I did drop to a whole new level of blues when I discovered new dark face of mine, but that’s no biggie. Apart from the usual, it wasn’t a nice year in terms of health. Yep! Definitely that’s where 2014 screwed up big. Overall, 2014 was decent, kinder and a snatcher for it snatched a friend.

When every day is a struggle some years prove too kind not because they tore you up little less, because you became little more immune and strong.

I did find a lot of new songs, new TV shows, a way back to my stories, few more novels on my shelf, new favourite pair of sneakers, some more scratches and dents on my car and introduction to Xanax. Walking into 2015 is more or like taking a blind turn on a dark rainy night, just not sure what to expect. Every year I hope I would bump into Dawn, I fear I would lose grip on the frays of hope and I wear faces that suffocate me. Maybe 2015 would be amazing, maybe it would be kind or maybe it would be my iceberg, I have no idea. Let’s destiny and universe do its thing, I have things to do too.

  • Find as many new songs as possible
  • Not to break my new phone (Oh yes big news Little is now HTC person Goodbye Nokia Windows)
  • Watch more movies of Jodie Foster
  • Drive slowly and more in control and safe and better and in any other way that would keep me away from repair shops
  • Buy a proper bookshelf or else my mom would sell away all the books lying around me
  • Read as many historical fiction as possible
  • Read at least one unread book in my book collection
  • Continue my relationship with happy food and coffee
  • Cheat on a fictional character by falling in love with another and another and another
  • Cry when no one is watching and put on my headphones when someone is watching
  • Watch You’ve Got Mail or any Meg movie on an impulse
  • Continue believing I’m a Vampire and stay up till late only to regret next afternoon at 3pm
  • Find a new donut to add to my confusion of what’s my favorite flavor
  • Finish editing at least one of my stories or just send an unedited version to a publisher for fun
  • Torture my body with worthless evening walks and jogging, despite knowing that Dunkin Donuts is where I belong

So, may be 2015 would be another 2014 or another 2013 or another 2012 or 11 or 10 or maybe it would be a whole new never seen totally mind boggling era…all I know, I’m a lone soldier battling a war and my resolutions are my weapon of defense against the unknown.

There is always another song to add to shuffle, another cup of coffee to put on Insta, another book to buy and another fictional character to fall in love with…

P.S leaving a fun remix by Bastille

i love 80s and 90s…and Winona Ryder!!!!

I have been planning to watch a Jodie Foster movie but ended up watching Winona Ryder’s Boys. God, she is amazing. I can never get bored of watching Jodie Foster, Winona Ryder and Meg Ryan…these are the finest set of actors. 80s and 90s truly had some of the best actors and classic movies.

Jodie Foster movie marathon day…!!!

I did a Jodie Foster movie marathon today, manged two movies couldn’t watch the third one but maybe tomorrow. Yes, i know i’m in love with Meg Ryan and Winona Ryder but Jodie Foster is awesome. She is like too good. I watched two more movies today, they were heavy and serious stuff but she was excellent. “The Brave One” and “The Accused” both were good, dark but damn good.

Have a busy day tomorrow, hope my health supports me. Its getting difficult to stay active all day now.


Sadness is an organ, for some people are born with it…

I just saw “The Hours” and it was heavy, intense and beautiful but in a sad way. Did i like it? I sure did. Because, i don’t know if it sounds weird but, i could relate to it in many ways. It is a sad thing to say i guess because no one should ever relate with a movie like that, but i do.

Truth is i wasn’t planning to watch the movie, i had Jodie Foster’s The Brave One ready for my movie night but i ended up watching this. I wanted to read the book first.

Sometimes when a story reminds me of what life really is and what life really never would be, i feel bad cause a troubled character in a story is in the end just a character, a fictitious person, but I’m for real.

Happy for Jodie Foster…!!!

The day world would stop judging or labeling love, would be the day of dawn…but sometimes i wonder if Dawn and Hope are nothing but just four letter lazy words…

Anyhow, i feel exhausted right now. mentally and physically.

Goodnight World!

Little has a crush on young Robert De Niro, but she is still team Jodie Foster…!!!!

It was a very very busy and exhausting day at Gotham, infact this whole week has been tiring. And, unfortunately, there are still two more days to go before I get my weekend. I dont know if I can make it another two days.

I need a haircut, a weekend, a day in my room, an episode marathon, some writing, loud music, cup of nice coffee, book shopping…that’s it for now.

Truth is my list of things I need or want is pretty big, but I cant even make it as small as one word.

If I can get my dawn, I think I will be okay. But freedom comes with a cost and I dont think I can afford my independence.

On a brighter note, let me tell you something that you didnt know. I saw “Taxi Driver” and Its lot different from the kind of movies I see but Robert De Niro blew my mind. Im all team Jodie Foster. The woman is role model and a brilliant actress. Period. But when I saw Taxi Driver, my eyes were soley on Robert De Niro. Okay firstly his work was really nice and secondly he looks so bloody good looking. I have never seen any of his old movies, so I have never seen him young. Young De Niro can beat any guy today.

Yes the movie was little too dark but the work put in by Robert and Jodie is brilliant. Not my kind of cinema but good cinema. My kind of dark movies are Girl Interrupted and Suckerpunch.

Got to go now.

Goodnight world!

P.S tell me names of old movies that are worth watching. I have heard about Breakfast at Tiffanys is good.

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Little wants to make a movie…!!!!

I think i have been bitten by Jodie Foster bug because im kind of becoming obsessed with her work. After i saw Little Man Tate it has become worse because now im downloading Taxi Driver, which will be followed by Accused and Silence of the Lambs. I have never written a fan mail but i would love to send one to Jodie Foster, but i have no idea where she lives.

I sometimes wish i could direct a movie. I do. Because i want my stories to be shown, if they cant be made in books i wish i could just bring them out as movies.

Today something strange happened. You know how when you want an idea, a story or a concept but you just wont get it and then it would fall on you out of nowhere. well, that’s what happened.

I have had decided against taking part in NanoWriMo this year because its going to be a busy month as in the No-Time-For-50,000Words busy. But today, as i sat there in my work station staring at the screen with lazy and bored eyes and music in my ears, i got a story. Like a picture it started playing in front of my eyes, so i decided to put the song on replay to not to disturb my thoughts. And since then i have been writing a little bit, every minute, inside my head. O man! now i want to do NanoWriMo badly, time or no time. But problem is my story is so much fresh inside me that i want to just jot it down and not wait for November. The wait is killing me and im afraid it will go cold by then.

Leaving you with the song that helped me find my NanoWriMo story for 2013…

Little loves Jodie Foster…!!!!

Last night I saw Jodie Foster’s Little Man Tate. Its a beautiful movie. Just what I expected from Jodie Foster for she is a brilliant brilliant brilliant, actor and a director.

Its a touching movie that makes you smile and cry and feel the characters, while being happy to have stumbled upon it. The complexity of a gifted six year old kid’s mind who feels different because he is too smart for his age, the love of a single young mother who may not be the smartest thing in the world but who knows that she loves her son and the way they are connected despite being so opposite.

Such a beautiful work by her and the kid who plays Fred Tate. You rarely get to see such good movies now. Last weekend I saw Winona Ryder’s “When love is not enough-the Lois Wilson story” and she was brilliant too.

Is always refreshing to see a well made movie with a concept so touching. But sometimes even some of the best actors tend to give you a movie not so nice. Today I went to theatre to watch Prisoners and it was a sad scene. Mark wahlberg directed movie with Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal as the big names in the cast, yet I didnt get that feeling that I want to watch it one more time. Here is the thing if a movie makes you want to watch it one more time, its a movie well made. Like Little Man Tate.

Prisoner is made on a simple concept of a young girl getting kidnapped, worried father doing everything to find her and cops looking for who did it. I once saw a movie (coincidently Mark Wahlberg was the actor) based on same theme and it was titled Lovely Bones, but this one was handled so beautifully that it made me feel the pain of a parent and anger for the actor who played the bad guy. Prisoner was more confusing that emotional.

So its monday now and I wish I could get one more day off but thats not going to happen.

I have decided to cut down on my tv shows now, its difficult but am going to try. I have been ignoring reading and it makes me guilty.

Goodnight World!
Happy and safe Monday to you and me…

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